Emissions Monitoring in Remote Areas with Hybrid Connectivity

Written by | Jul 14, 2023 12:12:38 PM
Deploying internet of things technologies to monitor energy operations is widespread throughout the sector. Driving energy efficiency – and minimising leaks and emissions – is not only the sustainable operational decision, but has a significant impact on an operator’s bottom line. Companies can be fined significant sums for failing to accurately report emissions, with incidents impacting brand reputation in the long run as well.

Hybrid connectivity solutions offer a resilient and efficient means of transmitting and integrating data. Using a combination of backhauls – such as satellite and cellular – improves the resiliency of communications setups and means that emissions data, as well as information that alerts users when there’s a leak on an asset, is always available.

So why is resilient communications so important when monitoring leaks and emissions?


Reliable Connectivity

Ensuring reliable connectivity in remote areas is critical. As well as tracking asset performance via parameters including vibration and pressure, emissions can also be monitored to inform sustainability strategies and alert as to when a leak has occurred. The result? Quicker action can be taken to remedy any faults, and emissions are reduced.


Traditional monitoring methods are often insufficient due to the lack of reliable connectivity options in these remote locations, meaning expensive and time consuming methods have to be employed, as well as unnecessary trips from workers to potentially dangerous locations. However, the emergence of hybrid connectivity, which combines cellular and multiple satellite backhauls, can revolutionise energy monitoring in those locations.


Krucial provides a hybrid connectivity solution that ensures maximum resiliency by seamlessly switching between cellular networks and satellite communication, offering uninterrupted data transmission even in the most remote and challenging environments. This technology enables energy companies to gather real-time data on crucial parameters, enabling them to make informed decisions, prevent equipment failures, optimise operations, and enhance overall safety.


Find out more about Krucial’s energy offering at Energy – KRUCIAL.