Krucial highlights importance of resilient connectivity at UN 2023 Water Conference - KRUCIAL

Written by | Mar 28, 2023 1:28:50 PM


Krucial Co-founder and CEO Allan Cannon last week (22-24 March 2023) attended the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York and took part in a roundtable discussion about digitization’s role in water security.  


Allan spoke at the roundtable event “Driving Innovation: Digitization, Data Collection & Impact Measurement”, alongside organizations including the European Space Agency, about the importance of resilient connectivity in monitoring river basins. The event organizers, CEO Water Mandate and its initiative Water Resilience Coalition, aim to build corporate partnerships to act on water resilience and security. 


The CEO Water Mandate is a “special initiative established in 2007 by the UN Secretary General and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in partnership with the Pacific Institute to advance corporate water stewardship around the world.” In bringing together corporate partners to drive action on water resilience, it is already involved in more than 1800 projects worldwide and has 240 endorsing companies from across industries.  


The Water Resilience Coalition, launched by CEO Water Mandate in 2020, is a partnership of global corporate stakeholders including Cargill, Microsoft and Diageo, and “aims to preserve the world’s freshwater resources through collective action in water-stressed basins and ambitious, quantifiable commitments. 


As one of around 8 representatives from early-stage technology companies taking part in roundtable discussions, Allan spoke on the importance of resilient connectivity for water security. Krucial can play a central role in efforts to contribute to an open-source data platform that offers continuous monitoring of river basin diagnostics – especially from a recently released list of more than 100 priority basins worldwide.  


Organizations across the world are increasingly realizing their role in reaching the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – an important factor of which is ensuring water resources are protected. To monitor water and supply chains and inform effective interventions on water security, connectivity is a must. But with 90% of the planet unable access to terrestrial connectivity infrastructure, accurately monitoring water resources in remote areas can be a challenge.  


The conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Tajikistan and the Netherelands, brought together corporate, Governmental and NGO stakeholders to take action on the water crisis facing the world and led to a series of commitments from Governments from all over the planet. This included an announcement from the US Government to invest up to $49bn to support climate resilient water and sanitation infrastructure services.  


Get in touch to find out more about how Krucial can digitize your sites, assets and operations anywhere on earth, and how we can illuminate areas of the world that have been previously difficult to monitor. 


You can read the vision statement for the whole conference at Vision_Statement_UN2023_Water_Conference.pdf.