What is Remote Asset Monitoring?

Written by | May 18, 2023 1:48:31 PM


Remote asset monitoring allows businesses to track their assets from a distance. Whether it’s heavy machinery, buildings, or infrastructure, remote asset monitoring can help businesses to optimize their operations, reduce costs and minimize downtime by reducing the need for manual inspection. 


Remote asset monitoring involves the use of industrial IoT sensors and other technologies to monitor the health and performance of assets remotely. The data collected is then transmitted to a central monitoring system, where it is analyzed and used to generate insights and alerts. This allows businesses to take proactive measures to prevent issues and improve asset efficiency. 


From energy and agriculture to aquaculture and utilities, industries of all types set to benefit from improved remote asset monitoring. 


Minimize downtime on your assets 

One of the key benefits of remote asset monitoring is increased asset uptime. By continuously monitoring assets, businesses can identify potential issues before they become major problems. This allows for preventive maintenance and reduces the risk of asset failure and unplanned downtime. This is important in a host of industries, including energy, agriculture and aquaculture, where downtime can result in significant costs and disruptions. 

Remote asset monitoring can also help businesses to optimize asset performance and usage. By analyzing data on asset usage and performance, businesses can identify inefficiencies and implement changes to improve productivity and reduce costs and can understand what assets are being used and when.  


Monitoring worker safety

Another benefit of remote asset monitoring is improved safety. By monitoring assets continuously, businesses can ensure that they are operating safely and within the limits of their design. They can also track workers by implementing geofencing and alerting them when they enter a potentially hazardous area, reducing the risk of accidents. 


Reliable connectivity for remote asset monitoring 

Deploying remote monitoring technology requires connectivity to transmit data back to decision makers. Krucial CONNECT provides a drop-in private network to quickly and securely digitize any location or asset in hours. Just plug in and connect Industrial IoT devices to monitor assets remotely. The solution automatically switches between cellular and satellite mode to provide coverage anywhere 24/7. If the cell network fails, satellite kicks in. If the power goes down – or mains power simply isn’t an option – it is designed to work off-grid. 


Use case – grain silo monitoring 

Grain silo monitoring is crucial for farmers, offering valuable benefits. By setting low stock alerts, remotely monitoring levels, and tracking temperature parameters, farmers can prevent grain damage and minimize surprises. A hybrid communications platform enables remote monitoring of IIoT devices in silos, ensuring connectivity and power independence. This results in accurate data, improved team efficiency, and streamlined processes for farmers.

Remote grain silo monitoring is critical for the agriculture industry

Monitoring for process optimization

Remote asset monitoring is a powerful technology that can help businesses to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and improve safety. By continuously monitoring assets in real-time, businesses can take proactive measures to prevent issues and improve efficiency. If you’re interested in learning more about this technology and how it can benefit your business, visit to find out more.